MT56DSU2 Owner’s Manual
This section defines several of the terms used in this manual. For an overview of DSU basics, refer to
section 1.4 of this manual.
ALBO (Automatic Line Build Out) — part of the “equalizer” circuitry used to compensate for various
gauges and alterations of local loops.
Anti-Streaming — an option that prevents a streaming (jammed) DTE from affecting other devices on a
multi-point network.
asynchronous communications — communications between computer devices at irregular intervals. To do
so, the device adds start and stop bits to each character it sends.
BERT (bit error rate tester) — the type of testing used to verify the operating parameters of a data
communications line.
bps (bits per second) — unit of measure for data transmission.
Central Office (CO) — the telephone company site where switching equipment is located (as opposed to
customer premises).
channel — the digital path on a cable on which data is transmitted. A logical way to look at the path data
travels when sent between
circuit assurance — an optional conditioning of the CTS signal.
Clear To Send (CTS) — an interface signal that indicates whether the modem or DSU is ready to accept a
data transmission from the DTE.
CO (Central Office) — facility where communications common carriers terminate customer lines and
locate line interconnection equipment.
clocking — a synchronous device circuit that sends signals at a precise frequency corresponding to the bit
rate of that device.
control station — the station on a DDS multipoint circuit that is nearest the host system and transmits data
to each remote station and receives a single serial bit stream from the remote stations via the MJU.
crossover cable — a cable with a conductor that runs the length of the cable, but connects to a different pin
number at each end (connects pins 2103 and 3 to 2 from DTE to DSU/CSU).
CSU (Channel Service Unit) — a device used to terminate a digital circuit (such as DDS or T1) at the
customer site. Used in combination with a “DSU”.