HTXD6i/STXD6i Trowel • SeTUp, aDJUSTMeNTS aND CalIBraTIoNS — rev. #0 (03/14/13) — page 21
macHine setup and calibration
8. Return engine rpm to idle.
9. Turn off machine and remove gauge.
pitch pressure adjustment
1. Disable cold start.
1. Increase engine rpm to full operating RPM.
2. Loosen 3/4" jam nut on pitch relief valve (Figure 29).
Figure 29. Pitch Pressure Adjustment
3. Using a 1/4" allen wrench, adjust the small hex nut
within the larger hex jam nut.
4. Tighten 3/4" jam nut.
5. Check the pressure as described earlier (see Pitch
Pressure Check section).
6. If pressure requires further adjustment, repeat steps
2 through 4 until pressure check reads 1850 ± 50 PSI.
7. Record pressure on Machine Information and
Maintenance Log.
8. Return machine engine rpm to idle.
9. Turn off machine and remove gauge.
Steering pressure adjustment
1. Disable cold start.
2. Install a 300 or 600 PSI gauge on steering pressure
port (Figure 27).
3. Start machine.
4. Increase engine rpm to full operating RPM.
5. Loosen 3/4" jam nut on steering valve (Figure 30).
Figure 30. Steering Pressure Adjustment
6. Using a 1/4" allen wrench, adjust the small hex nut
within the larger hex jam nut.
7. Adjust to proper steering pressure:
• HTXD6i:
245 psi ± 10 psi (Cold Oil)
235 psi ± 10 psi (Hot Oil)
• STXD6i:
300 psi ± 10 psi (Cold Oil)
290 psi ± 10 psi (Hot Oil)
Do NoT
depress the foot pedal with the 300-600 PSI
gauge installed. Immediate damage to the gauge will