Typically, this will be rate / 16, 64, or 80, but can be any other rate as well
Enter the
Pattern Length
of the data feeding the DSO to capture the full pattern
Incorrect pattern length would still display the eye capture, however full pattern
capture is required for certain features of the software such as Jitter Decomposition,
PTB and Filters.
E.G.: Pattern Length = 127 for PRBS-7, The Pattern length of PN(n) is (2^
) - 1.
To get wander correction, check the box then choose between the 3 frequencies, 1024
or 2048 or 4096 Hz
In order to retrieve the last configuration, enter the specified IP and then press the
refresh button
In order to scale the measured results, to remove the effect of an attenuator
connected at the receiving end of the scope, enter the Attenuation value in dB. In
optical mode, the value is doubled when the attenuator is at 3 dB. In electrical mode
this is 6 dB.
To capture more points for finer measurements, accumulate the number of points
from all the acquisitions by entering the total number of points to persist in the
accumulate field. This will set the number of points filling the entire eye diagram. For
both UI’s, half this number of points will be displayed in the pattern diagram.
Accumulation works in infinite persistence mode, and unless the points are cleared or
the connection is reset, all acquisitions will take part in the accumulated result with
equal amounts of points randomly selected from each acquisition.
DSO Menu
Figure 11: DSO menu bar
File Menu
Save: after clicking on this icon, a save window appears enabling to save configurations, data
and measurements files for each acquisition.
In the case of being connected to multiple DSOs, there are check boxes next to each DSO,
check the one related to the needed DSO and save preferences. Each checked DSO has a
separate folder. If the 3 options Conf, Data and Measurements are checked; in this folder 3
kinds of files will be found.
: select to save the configuration file.