9363-B pin type test lead
Be sure to connect each of the DRIVE and SENSE terminals by inserting the tip of the pin into the
holes on the zero adjustment board. (See the figure above.)
Do not place the zero adjustment board on top of the battery or any metal. Electromagnetic
induction effect could result in unstable measurement values. In such a case, keep the zero
adjustment board away from any metal.
Be sure to use the included zero adjustment board when performing zero adjustment.
When the distance between the terminals on the battery (measurement target) is more than the
distance between the holes on the zero adjustment board, use the holes at both corners to perform
zero adjustment.
For Clip Type Leads
Perform zero adjustment by engaging red and black clips together.
9363-A test clip
3.3.2 Performing Zero Adjustment
1. Check to ensure that the test leads are connected properly.
Disconnect any leads connected to the measurement target.
Press the