MTH GP60M Diesel Operating Manual
Tip #4:
You can utilize FYS even if you are double-heading with another
engine regardless of whether the second engine is equipped with an FYS
programmed ProtoSound® module. If the second engine isnt equipped with
FYS, the only thing to remember is that you not turn up the transformer throttle
very high when entering the Reverse phase found in Event 3. If the throttle is
set too high, then the second locomotive will begin vibrating on the track as its
motors will be turning in the reverse state since they cannot be disabled
automatically like FYS equipped engines. If your second engine is equipped
with FYS, you may want to disable it when used in double-headed operations.
To disable FYS, see the section on programming for squeaking brakes and FYS
operation on page 23 of this manual.
Tip #5:
It is not necessary for the squeaking brake sounds to be heard to play
the FYS sounds. For example, the brake sounds wont be heard if the high
voltage setting is below 13 volts when the power is interrupted to enter the
Neutral state.
Tip #6:
You can leave any of the event states at any time after entering the
state by simply interrupting the transformer throttle. Any sound effects
programmed to play in that event will simply not occur. The only exception is
Event 2 and Event 5. In Event 2, interrupting the throttle has no effect on FYS
until after the radio message and the freight car doors have opened. In Event 5,
you cannot interrupt FYS until after the engine begins to move. Interrupting
the throttle before the engine begins to move has no affect on the locomotives