F17 – Extended Start-Up
If your engine is shut down or you've just applied DCC power pressing
F17 twice (toggling it on then off) will start the Extended Start-Up
sounds. This is very similar to F3 except you will hear the crew talking
back and forth about getting the engine ready to run.
F18 – Extended Shut-Down
If your engine is already up and running you can play
the Extended Shut Down sounds by pressing F18 twice (toggling on then
off). The Extended Shut Down is very similar to F3 in that the engine will
ultimately shut down, but in the case of Extended Shut Down you will
hear the crew talking back and forth about how the engine ran, time
schedules, etc.
F19 – Train Marker
Train Marker is used on certain engines that carry
marker or End Of Train lighting. This is controlled by F19. When F19 is
On the Marker light will be On. If F19 is Off, the marker will be Off.
F20 – Local/Express or Alternate Mode Lighting
The Local/Express control is for engines that carry a local/express light
(R-17 subway, for example). Some engines do not carry this light or this
feature. Alternatively, some engines do carry a light that can be toggled by
F20. Often times this will be a Beacon light or a variable indicator light of
some kind. Again, not all engines carry a light controllable by F20.
F21 – One Shot Doppler
You can set your MTH PS3.0-equipped engine to simulate the actual
Doppler Effect sound a real engine makes as it passes you. To do this,
press the F21 button once (enable F21) and then listen as the engine
makes that pitch shift that mimics the Doppler Effect perfectly. Press the
F21 button again (disable F21) to shut off the Doppler Effect. With a
little practice in timing and speed you can make this happen right in front
of you.
F22 – Coupler Slack
When an engine hooks up and pulls a train it has to take up the coupler
slack. You can play this sound by pressing F22 twice (toggling on then
off). This feature works two ways – While the engine is sitting still, press
F22 twice to enable it. Then, when you move the engine, it will play the
Coupler Slack sound.
The second way is to simply force the sound while the engine is moving.
To do this, simply press F22 twice (toggling it on then off). The sound
will play.
M.T.H. HO Subway Car w/Proto-Sound 3.0