DCS Digital Command System
As you may have gathered by now, DCS is an M.T.H. exclusive Digital
Command System that provides easy access to dozens and dozens of
features in our models. We developed DCS to provide a powerful and
advanced model train control system that was simple and enjoyable to use.
We've accomplished that goal. DCS further expands the features available
far beyond that of DCC. After all, in DCC, we only had a limited number
of “F” commands to fill.
As with DCC, we'll leave the detailed “how-to” system explanations to the
DCS system manuals. What you should know are all the cool features your
powered car has built-in, waiting for you to experience.
Running the Powered Car
Once the DCS system is connected to your track and powered up by a
DC Power Supply (even though DCS can be controlled by AC and DC
power supplies, your M.T.H. HO powered car will ONLY run on DC
power), you simply place your powered car on the rails, press “ADD
ENG” and the system will scan the track and automatically upload your
powered car into the controller. At this point, you can press “START
UP”, roll the throttle and pull out! That's it!
Speed Control
DCS powered cars are controlled in scale miles per hour (smph) and
increments of one. So, that means if you dial up 10, your powered car will
smoothly accelerate to 10 smph. There is no need to select a speed step
setting, there's only one precise linear control at scale speeds. See,
powerful yet simple.
Independent Volume Settings
Using DCS, you independently adjust the bell, horn, powered car, and
accent sounds volume. This is like a mixer so you can set up the powered
car to fit your specific tastes and sense of realism. They all move relatively
up or down with the master volume settings.
Doppler Loop
You can either press the Doppler button on the remote to activate what
we refer to as “one-shot” Doppler, or, using DCS, you can program a
Doppler loop that will peak at the same point on your layout, over and
M.T.H. HO Subway Car w/Proto-Sound 3.0