1. Use when fluid is below 20° F or above 150° F.
2. Operate through relief valve for extended period.
3. Attempt to adjust unloading or relief valve settings
without pressure gauges.
4. Operate with air in hydraulic system.
5. Use teflon tape on hydraulic fittings.
6. Attempt to cut wood across the grain.
7. Attempt to remove partially split wood from the
wedge with your hands.
Operating Tips
1. Use clean fluid and check fluid level regularly.
2. Use an approved hydraulic fluid. Approved fluids
include Dexron® III, or a 10 Weight AW hydraulic oil.
3. Keep hoses clear and unblocked.
4. Bleed air out of hoses before operating.
5. Flush and clean hydraulic system before restarting
after servicing.
6. Use “pipe dope” on all hydraulic fittings.
7. Operate on level ground.
8. Allow time for warm-up before splitting wood.
9. Prime the pump before initial start-up by turning over
the engine with engine switch in OFF position and
spark plug disconnected.
10. Split wood along the grain (lengthwise) only.
11. Keep log centered in front of push bracket.
Your Log