JMcron RAID Introducton
JMcron RAID Introducton
JMcron JMB363 offers RAID level 0 (Strpng), RAID level 1 (Mrrorng and Duplexng),
RAID level 10 (A Strpe of Mrrors) and JBOD (Concatenate).
RAID 0 breaks the data nto blocks whch are wrtten to separate hard drves. Spread-
ng the hard drve I/O load across ndependent channels greatly mproves I/O perfor-
mance. RAID 1 provdes data redundancy by mrrorng data between the hard drves
and provdes enhanced read performance. RAID 10 Not one of the orgnal RAID levels,
multple RAID 1 mrrors are created, and a RAID 0 strpe s created over these. JBOD
provdes a method for combnng drves of dfferent szes nto one large dsk.
And ths manboard supports RAID 0/ RAID 1 or JBOD mode only.
The least number of hard drves for RAID 0, RAID 1 or JBOD mode s 2.
All the nformaton/ volumes/ pctures lsted n your system mght dffer from the llus-
tratons n ths appendx. RAID Configuraton