Chapter 6
Network key
Enter a key for the network.
Key format
You can decide the network key to be encoded by ASCII characters or
hexadecimal digitals.
Key length
In ASCII characters format, it can be 5 or 13 characters. In hexadeci-
mal digitals format, it would be 10 or 26 digitals.
Key index
There can be up to 4 sets of WEP key (1~4). The 4 sets of WEP key
must have the identical sequence with the key settings on the Access
In the wireless network environment, the administrator can set up password
(Network Key) to protect the network from being attacked or unauthorized access.
When building the network, you can set up 4 sets of WEP keys, which can be 5
characters (10 hex-adecimal digital) or 13 characters (26 hex-adecimal digital)
and specify one of them to use.
Check this
Cancel this
To setup the Network Key,
first, then cancel
The key is
provided for me automati-
6.4 Encryption