MS-9618 ATX Server Board
Console Redirection
Press PgUp/<+> or PgDn/<-> to configure Console Redirection. The following submenu
will appear.
Com Port Address
This feature allows you to enable/disable the Com port on the motherboard.
Options: [Disabled], [On-board COM A].
Baud Rate
It allows you to select delay befor key repeat. Options: [300], [1200], [2400],
[9600], [19.2K], [38.4K], [57.6K], [115.2K].
Console Type
This feature allows you to enable the specified console type. Options: [VT100],
[VT100, 8bit], [PC-ANSI, 7bit], [PC ANSI], [UT100+], [VT-UTF8].
Flow Control
This feature allows you to enable flow control. Options: [None], [XON/XOFF],
Console C onnection
This feature indicates whether the console is connected directly to the system
or a modem is used for connection. Options: [Direct], [Via modem].
Continue C. R. after POST
Selecting [On] will enable Console Redirection after OS has loaded. Options:
[On], [Off].