User Manual
MRU GmbH, D-74172 Neckarsulm
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You can set that at the start of an Auto-measurement (logging) the
average values are reset.
Activate Reset average when start logging.
Note that average values are only exported for single
measurements (from a certain point in time) in a CSV
export. Average values can be displayed in an Auto-
measurement to check a measurement for plausibility.
If averaging is activated, the average values are displayed in the measure-
ment window.
Please note that average values are displayed immedi-
ately in the measurement window, even if the set time
interval has not yet been reached. The average value is
then calculated from the values read so far. As soon as
the set time interval has been reached, the average
value is constantly recalculated by replacing the last
value read with the currently read value.