Milo Quick Start Guide
Use steps 1 to 3 to mount the second caster system at the rear of
Milo. If you have already mounted the PSU cage, tilt the caster
system to wheel from under the cage.
Roll the rig to a position just off the end of the track, ensuring that
the track pinion on the rig is on the correct side of the track. For
smooth movement, when wheeling the rig on and off the track,
straighten the wheels so they are parallel to the track.
For ease of mounting, you can even detach the caster wheels from
the caster system by removing the 2 x pins and then mounting the
beam first and then the caster wheels.
The 2 x pins are
not screwed and
can just be
removed by
pulling out.
Wheels should be
straight when taking
the rig on and off the