251/02 en
5 Commissioning
k) Set the response threshold for undervoltage blocking
U < to 85 %. Set the mode of operation to "MANUAL“
and set the existing voltage level, e.g. 110 V, to 110 V /
130 V, so that the actual voltage now corresponds
to the set percentage of the response threshold for the
blocking value. The presignal LED lamp for "Raise“ must
light up. Set the mode of operation switch to "AUTO“.
After approx.10 s the signalling relay "U <" must be
energized, the signalling contact (Contacts 22/23/56) will
open; the output relay "Raise" must
issue a control
command. LED U < will now respond. Upon completion of
this func-tion test you may now set the desired response
threshold for undervoltage blocking.
l) Set the response threshold for overvoltage detection U>
to 115 %. Set the mode of operation to "MANUAL", e. g.
110 V to 110 V / 1.15
95 V so that the actual voltage
now corresponds to the set percentage of the response
threshold for overvoltage detection. The presignal LED
lamp for "Lower" must light up. Set the mode of opera-
tion to "AUTO".
The output relay "Lower" must issue periodic control com-
mands at 1.5 s intervals. The signalling contact 24/25/55
will close/open. LED U > will now respond.
Now set the desired response threshold for overvoltage
detection to the initially desired voltage level.
m) Set the response threshold for overcurrent blocking I >.
A function check is not necessary.
n) Setting the load drop LDC (as per paragraph 4.10.1). Set
the mode of operation to "MANUAL".
Settings for Ux = Ur = 0, no presignal LED lamp for Raise/
Lower must light up.
Setting of Ur = 20 V, Ux = 0 V, the presignal LED lamp for
"Raise" must light up.
Setting of Ur = -20 V, Ux = 0 V, the presignal LED lamp
for "Lower" must light up (during this function check a
minimum load current of 5 % of the rated current of the
current transformer must flow.)
If the presignals appear in opposite direction, change the
polarity of the current transformer.
The actually desired LDC can be set upon completion of
the above settings.
Set the mode of operation to AUTO.
Check if the setting is correct by observing the voltage at
the line end during service and with different loads. When
the setting is correct the voltage at the line end will
remain constant.
o) Setting of Z Compensation (as per paragraph 4.10.2) as an
alternative to LDC.
Set the mode of operation to MANUAL.
Set the voltage rise to 0, the voltage regulator is in a
balanced state, no presignal LED lamp must light up.
Set the voltage rise to 15 %, the presignal LED lamp for
"Raise" must light up (during this functional check a load
current of 10 % of the rated current of the current
transformer must flow).
The desired values for Z Compensation can be set upon
completion of the above settings.
Set the mode of operation to AUTO. Check if the setting
is correct by observing the voltage at a specific point in
the line and with different loads. When the setting is
correct the voltage at the line end will remain constant.
p) Set the DESIRED VOLTAGE LEVEL 2 to the desired value
(see paragraph 4.9). Set the mode of operation to
MANUAL and connect terminals 31/34. According to
the set value for Desired Voltage Level 2, the presignal
"Lower" or "Raise" must respond.
Please proceed in the same manner for DESIRED VOLTAGE
LEVEL 3 by connecting terminals 31/33 signalling relay for
DESIRED VOLTAGE LEVEL 3. Set the mode of operation to
Tap position indication
The position signal can be fed as a 4 - 20 mA signal to the
regulator on terminals 94/95 (see connection diagram).
The position range must be set as described in section