Datalog Retrieval
To download the datalog from the instrument to the PC, select “Get Log”. This process can take
several minutes because datalogging is always on and large files can be created. The datalog
files will appear under the “Datalog” tab on the top of the screen. Below is a sample screen of
datalog information listing sample time and instantaneous reading. A new Single Datalog file is
created each time the instrument is turned on or the configuration is changed. The middle panel
shows the file start time and number of data points.
To export data to a csv file readable by Excel or other spreadsheet software, move the cursor
over the right data panel and click the right mouse button, and then select either the current
Single Datalog file or all the stored data (Whole Datalog).
mPower Suite Datalog Screen
Export Single Datalog
Export Whole Datalog