Moxa Industrial Smart Ethernet Switch
Quick Start Guide
User Account Instructions
The Moxa industrial smart Ethernet switch supports the management of accounts, including establishing,
activating, modifying, disabling, and removing accounts. There are two levels of configuration access: admin
and user. Accounts with admin privilege have read/write access of all configuration parameters, whereas
accounts with user privilege only have read access to view configuration items.
In order to maintain a higher level of security, we strongly suggest that you change the password after first
loggin in.
By default, there will be an “admin” user account with admin privilege and a “user” user account with user
privilege. The accounts can be deleted or disabled but at least one account with admin privilege activated
must be maintained at all times.
You can create up to a maximum of 10 accounts.
The User Account settings page is divided into a top section and a bottom section. To modify the settings of
a particular account, click the username for the account in the bottom section to highlight the line associated
with the account, and then change the settings for the account in the top section of the page.
Creating a New Account
Type in the user name and password, assign an authority to the new account, and then click Create.
Factory Default
Check the Active checkbox to activate the account; uncheck
the checkbox to deactivate the account.
Select admin to assign read/write access to this account; the
user will be able to configure all parameters.
Select user to assign read-only access to this account; the user
will only be able to view configuration parameters.
User Name (Max. of 30
User Name
Password for the user account (between 4 and 16 characters) None
Confirm Password
Re-type in the password to further confirm the setting.
NOTE: The naming rule stipulated by SNMPv3 and industrial protocols requires passwords to be more than 8
characters in length; spaces are not allowed.