NPort W2150/2250 Plus Series User’s Manual
Web Console: Serial Port Settings
Max Connection
1 to 4
This field specifies the maximum number of connections that will be accepted
by the serial port.
1: Only one specific host can access this serial port, and the Real COM driver
on that host will have full control over the port.
2 to 4: This serial port will allow the specified number of connections to be
opened simultaneously. With simultaneous connections, the Real COM driver
will only provide a pure data tunnel with no control ability. The serial
communication will be determined by the NPort rather than by your application
program. Application software that is based on the Real COM driver will
receive a driver response of “success” when using any of the Win32 API
functions. The NPort will send data only to the Real COM driver on the host.
Data received from hosts will be sent to the attached serial device on a first-in-
first-out basis.
Max connection
is 2 or greater, the serial port’s communication settings (i.e., baudrate,
parity, data bits, etc.) will be determined by the NPort. Any host that opens the COM port
connection must use identical serial communication settings.
Ignore Jammed IP
Disable, Enable
This field specifies how an unresponsive IP address is handled when there are
simultaneous connections to the serial port.
Disable: All transmission will be suspended if one IP address becomes
unresponsive. Transmission will only resume when all hosts have responded.
Enable: Data transmission to the other hosts will not be suspended if one IP
address becomes unresponsive.