ioLogik E1200H Series
Using the Web Console
DO Channels
On the DO Channels page, configure each DO (digital output) channel by clicking on the channel. DO
Channels can operate in DO mode or Pulse Output mode. In DO mode, output is either on or off. In Pulse
Output mode, configure the low width and high width to generate a square wave.
The Power On Setting field is used to specify the channel’s configuration when the ioLogik E1200H is
powered on, and the Safe Status Setting field specifies the channel’s configuration when the ioLogik
E1200H enters Safe Mode. Note that Safe Status is controlled by the Connection Watchdog, which is disabled
by default. If the Connection Watchdog is disabled, the ioLogik E1200H will never enter Safe Mode and your
Safe Status settings will have no effect.
Users may also configure aliases and logic definitions on this page.