mode will skip.
4) After connecting TV, there will be no audio recording mode.
5) During replaying mode, short press mode button“
” is up operation and long press mode
” entering into next mode. Please refer to “TV-out function” part.
3. Video Recording
After unit turns on, short press execute button“
”, the camera will vibrate once, and blue
indicator flashes slowly and unit begins to record video. Short press execute button“
” again,
blue indicator flashes quickly for several seconds and unit vibrates once, then blue indicator
will be constantly on, that means video is stopped and saved.
1) System setting video resolution is 1280*720P 60fps, that suits for outdoor extreme
sports video recording. We suggest you set up video resolution to 1280*720P 30fps to
achieve clearer and brighter photo quality when indoor light is dark.
2) When video resolution is 1280*720P 60fps, unit will automatic transfer into night mode if
unit records video in darker places to achieve brighter picture quality, and at the same
time, frame number will automatic transfer into 30fps.
3) When the loop recording function is off, the unit will automatically save a file after it fully
record a 4GB video fill and then start to record the new file.
4) Please remove the waterproof cover in the backside of the unit for a better audio quality
when it not use underwater.
5) When microSD card is full (Loop recording function is off), battery used up or standby
mode for 3 minutes (time slot can be set up), unit will shut down automatically.
4. Loop recording function
> Through system parameter setting, loop recording function can be open, please refer to
“system parameter setting” chapter.
> After start the loop recording function, in the video state, the unit would automatically save
the video file according to the time setting in the system. The system time setting have
2mins, 5mins, 15mins, three state options.
5. Photo Taking
In the unit turning on state, short press mode button“
” to photo-taking standby mode, red
indicator will be constantly on. Short press execute button“
”, red indicator flashes quickly for
several seconds and unit vibrates one time, this means the photo taking is finished and save
the file successfully. And then the red indicator would be constantly on state.
1) Red indicator will flash quickly during photo-taking, don’t shake the unit in case for a
better picture quality.
2) When microSD card is full, battery used up or standby mode for 3 minutes (time slot can
be set up), unit will shut down automatically.