3.1.1. Pure-Vu® Workstation Components:
• Monitoring & Control Unit control the delivery of irrigation fluids and gas into the colon,
and suction of fluids and debris from the colon.
• Irrigation Bag/Bottle (saline or water) which is connected to the irrigation line.
• Waste Containers/Bag for collecting the colon content & fluids that are suctioned from
the colon through the suction lines.
• Foot Pedal that activates the cleansing, suction and purging functions, and enables switching
between cleansing modes used by the physician.
3.1.2. Front Panel:
• On/Off Power Button - powers Workstation On/Off
• Irrigation Pump - pumps room temperature water or saline
• Cleansing Mode Indicator - indicates the mode you are in and is activated by using the cleansing
mode selector button on the Foot Pedal (shown in Figure 2). The system can be operated in three
cleansing modes; low, medium (default mode) and high
• One Suction Pump - removes debris, gas & fluids and other debris into the waste container/bag
• Main Connector - connects the Umbilical Section to the Workstation and supplies gas to the irrigation line
• Fluid Button - acts as Priming – when the Workstation is in standby mode where the Fluid being
primed to the Disposable tip. It also serves as “Empty Fluid” notification in case the water runs out
during a procedure.
• Drain Button - activates the draining of the fluids from the disposable prior to unloading
from the Workstation
• Status Light - indicates status of the system; green light means ready to go and yellow light indicates
issue with the setup as well as indicates the end of drain routine
• Error Light (Triangle) - turns red when there is non-recoverable system error where the Workstation
stops its operation automatically