CT70104B_e.doc / Nov-15
Page 19 / 29
Steps for Commissioning
For setup and commissioning of all drives, the “Adjust” menu is available under “Tools” in the
main menu of the screen.
At this time, all drives must be adjusted to a proper and stable operation over
the full speed range. Slave drives need a maximum of dynamics and response
(set ramps to zero, switch of any integral or differential component of the
internal speed control loop, operate the drive with proportional speed control
only, with the proportional Gain as high as possible).
Before you start the Adjust menu, make sure that all parameters on the required register cards
are set correctly. Where you find the possibility for integration, please switch it off for the first
steps (set “Int.Time” to 000)
The Adjust Program is used to set the directions of rotation of the encoders and to adjust the
analogue output with regard to the output level and the proportional Gain.
For the adjustment procedure, the Slaves uses always the virtual master axis as
a reference