This guide is provided as a help and not a total solution for every installation.
Common sense and concern for customers equipment will make for a good installation.
– Make sure your wire run
does not
parallel any AC wires in the vehicle. Doing this may cause interference
into the wiring, causing the dish electronic to malfunction.
On top of the roof, a hole should be created from the long drill bit. Use a hole-drill bit to make a hole large enough for 2-4
coax cables and a control cable.
Drill a hole in the roof using the pilot hole as a guide. Drill till you are almost fully through the ceiling. Drill the last section
from the inside of the vehicle up to keep the hole edges clean on both ends.
Run the wires through the hole on the ceiling.
drill straight through
from skin to skin (outside through to
inside). Stop after penetrating one
skin to check for wiring that could
be in the way. Failure to follow this
simple procedure could result in
severe electrical damage.