Section 2
2-4 WN825
Install Your Card
To install the software and hardware:
Insert the supplied CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. The software automatically starts
the Installation Wizard program.
Follow the prompts to set up your adapter card.
If Windows 98SE prompts you for the original Windows CD-ROM, insert the CD-ROM,
and direct Windows to its proper location (for example, D:\WIN98).
Locate an empty CardBus slot on your notebook computer.
With the adapter card product-label and LEDs facing up, insert the adapter card into the
CardBus slot:
Complete the installation instructions supplied on the CD-ROM.
Device Configuration Setup
After installing the adapter card and software, you will need to connect to a network. Refer
to Section 3: Configuration for information on how to create detailed connectivity profiles so
you can connect to a wireless network, setup security, and setup modes of operation.