Area Talkgroup
When you enter a georgraphic area, you are able to view
and hear the notifications for the talkgroup area in that
The Area Talkgroup is added to the Area Talkgroup List in
alpabertical order. Once you are added to the Area
Talkgroup list, you can receive group call even if your
talkgroup scanning is off.
When you are in the Area Talkgroup, your radio sounds the
Voice Announcement, the green LED blinks, and the
display shows the talkgroup alias.
When you exit the Area Talkgroup, your radio sounds the
Voice Announcement and the display shows the talkgroup
alias as well. If you are in a call when you exit the Area
Talkgroup, your call will not drop automatically.
If the Area Talkgroup is removed, you will go back to your
previous channel.