SB5101 Cable Modem Overview
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The SB5101 Cable Modem is a stand-alone unit with an external power supply, it is the latest
product in the Motorola Surfboard range, the SB5101 will be produced alongside the existing
SB5100 modem and will eventually replace it.
Figure 1: SB5101 Cable Modem
The SB5101 offers both Ethernet and USB interface connectivity to ensure compatibility with
almost any PC or Macintosh network-ready computer system. The SB5101 Cable Modem received
DOCSIS 2.0 certification in Cable Labs Certification wave 28 (April 2004). The SB5101E
EuroDOCSIS Cable Modem received the corresponding EuroDOCSIS 2.0 certification in ECW 16
in September 2004.
A top panel standby switch has been added for additional end-user security. It disconnects the
USB and Ethernet connection to the CPE without disconnecting the cable modem from the RF
network; providing a simple but effective reassurance for the customer that their PC is safe from
unwanted external access.
1 Introduction