Zero Audio Enable
The Zero Audio Enable option mutes the radio when the volume is set below a certain user-
specified value. Selecting this option pops up the window to get the value from you. The valid
range is from 0% to 100%. There are some characteristics of this option that you must keep in
mind. They are as follows:
1. If the volume is turned down below the value entered in the pop-up window while the radio is
in the transmit mode, the radio will not mute until the radio is in the receive mode.
2. If the volume is turned up above the value in the pop-up window while the radio is in the
transmit mode, the radio will not return to the normal muting/unmuting state until the radio is
in the receive mode.
3. If an alert tone was in progress when the volume is turned up above the user-specified value,
the radio will not return to its normal muting/unmuting state until the alert tone is complete.
Quik- Call II
The Quik- Call II is a receive only function and has two tones/codes associated with it (Tone A
and Tone B). The Quik-Call II frequencies range from 288.5 Hz to 2469 Hz. Selecting this
option will pop-up a window with five different systems to select from. These systems are listed
below. The available frequencies for each system are listed in Appendix - 6. To select a system
enter a number corresponding to that system; for example, to select the Plectron system enter 3.
The default is set to the Motorola system. You must select this option in order to select any of
the Quik-Call II options. Even non-standard frequencies can be used, either independently, or
along with any standard system.Transmit inhibit option (H365) is incompatible with the Quik- Call
Quik-Call II System Selection:
1. Motorola
2. General Electric
3. Plectron
4. Federal
5. Others - Non Standard System
The following options are enabled if you select this option :
- Individual
4 Tone Group Call
Long Tone B Group Call
Timed Auto Reset
Carrier Override Auto Reset
H701 - Individual Call
To select this option you must select the Quik-Call II option .When option H701 is selected the
pop-up window will be displayed on the screen to get the Individual Call frequencies. Individual
calls are determined by two tones in sequence, tone A and tone B. The frequency of tone A
cannot be equal to the frequency of tone B. The valid range of the Quik-Call II frequency is from
288.5 Hz to 2469 Hz. This option is incompatible with the following options:
Two- Tone Group Call
Long Tone B Group Call
Appendix - 5. Options List and Definitions