In the SABER display radio models, the radios will display error messages under two conditions.
When the radio is turned on, and there exists an error condition in the radio, the radio
will display an error message of the form ERR x yz for approximately 2 seconds before
attempting to show the default display which is either the channel name or number (in a
channel only radio) or the zone and channel names or numbers (in a zone radio).
The error message will also be shown on the display and remain on the display until the
radio is turned off (or the radio is reset by the SABER RADIO SERVICE SOFTWARE)
under the following conditions.
With the radio turned off, press and hold the MENU, SELECT and ENTER
keys simultaneously.
• Turn the radio on while still holding the 3 keys pressed down.
for a COPE 4 (A & B radio):
The display should show a message of the form ERR x yz. This message should re-
main on the display even when you release the 3 keys. If the message does not re-
main on the display (or does not appear at all), then you have not pressed the keys
simultaneously. You will have to turn off the radio and repeat the procedure until the
message remains on the display.
for a COPE 5 (C radio):
A full eight-character display should appear for this radio unless there really is an
The following paragraphs will describe the meaning of the error messages. The error message
has the form ERR x yz, where x is the address of the device with the error and yz is the error
x can take on one of 3 values:
CORE microprocessor
COPE microprocessor
external EEPROM on display board.
yz can take on the following values (note that these values are hexadecimal numbers)
00 - no error
01 - internal EEPROM checksum error. This means that the data in the internal EEPROM
could be corrupted or the checksum value itself could be wrong. If several
reprogramming attempts do not eliminate this error, then the related microprocessor
must be replaced. Applicable to COPE and CORE.
02 - RAM read/write error. This means that an error was detected while the processor was
attempting to read from, or write into, microcomputer RAM (random access memory or
scratchpad memory). This indicates that the related microprocessor is faulty and
should be replaced. Applicable to COPE only.
Appendix - 1 Error Messages