When you click
in the left hand column of links, the links bar expands to display six statisti-
cal sub-headings:
“DSL” on page 51
“ATM” on page 52
“Ethernet” on page 52
“IP” on page 52
“LAN” on page 52
“Wireless” on page 53
“Logs” on page 53
These screens will var y depending on your Gateway’s model and traffic activity.
vailable Statistics links var y by platform.
When you click
, the DSL Statistics page appears.
The DSL Statistics page displays information about the Gateway's WAN connection to the Internet.
Line State:
May be Up (connected) or Down (disconnected).
Method of regulating the DSL signal. DMT (Discrete MultiTone) allows connections to
work better when cer tain radio transmitters are present.
Data Path:
Type of path used by the device's processor.
Downstream and Upstream statistics
Max Allowed Speed (kbps):
Your maximum speeds for downloading (receiving) and uploading
(sending) data on the DSL line, in kilobits per second.
SN Margin (db):
Signal to noise margin, in decibels. Reflects the amount of unwanted “noise” on
the DSL line.
Line Attenuation:
Amount of reduction in signal strength on the DSL line, in decibels.
CRC Errors:
Number of times data packets have had to be resent due to errors in transmission or