Source Code Files
USB08 Evaluation Board
Designer Reference Manual
Source Code Files
// File: U08232.C
// Func: RS232 Implementation Module for USB08 Demo Application
// Ver.: 1.00
// Auth: (C)2000,2001 by Oliver Thamm, MCT Elektronikladen GbR
// Rem.: View/Edit this File with TAB-Size=4
#include "hc08jb8.h"
// HC08JB8 Register Definitions
#include "u08232.h"
// Header File for RS232 Module
// Hardware Dependencies - Physical Port Usage for Software SCI Tx/Rx
// Change the following Definitions to meet your Hardware Requirements:
// Transmit Line is PTC[0]
#define setTxLow()
(PTC &= ~0x01)
#define setTxHigh()
(PTC |= 0x01)
#define enaTxOut()
(DDRC |= 0x01)
// Receive Line is PTA[7]
#define tstRxLvl()
(PTA & 0x80)
#define enaRxIn()
(DDRA &= ~0x80)
// Hardware Dependencies - SSCI Bit Timing generated by System Timer TIM
// Change the following Definitions to meet your Hardware Requirements:
// clear TSTOP Bit in TSC Register to activate Counter
// PS0..PS2 Prescaler Bits in TSC Register must be 0 (default)
// so the Counter Rate is 3 MHz (0.333µs)
// 9600 Baud -> 104.1666 us per Bit -> 312.5 Clocks per Bit @ 3MHz
// 2400 Baud -> 416.6666 us per Bit -> 1250 Clocks per Bit @ 3MHz
// Adjust Value depending on Subroutine Call Overhead