Windows Media Player
If you want to copy a protected file from your desktop computer to your Smartphone, use
the desktop Player to synchronize the file to your Smartphone (instead of dragging the
file from a folder on your desktop computer to a folder on your Smartphone or to storage
card* in a storage card reader, for example). This will ensure that the license is copied
along with the protected file.
* To purchase an SD card go to sprint.com or call 1-800-NEXTEL6.
For more information about synchronizing files to your Smartphone and other devices,
see the desktop Player Help.
Note: You can view the protection status of a file by checking its file properties (select
Menu, and then select Properties).
Supported Audio and Video Codecs
High-quality digital media files can require a large amount of storage space. To minimize
file size, digital media files are often compressed by using software called a codec (short
for compressor/decompressor). To play the file, it must be decompressed by using the
same codec that compressed the file.
Windows Media Player 10 Mobile for Smartphone can play files that have been
compressed by using any of the following audio and video codecs. You can determine
which codecs a file uses by checking its file properties (select Menu, and then select
Audio Codecs
• Microsoft Windows Media Audio codec versions 1.0, 2.0, 7, 8, and 9.
Although Windows Media Player for Smartphone supports all the variants of the
Windows Media Audio 9 codec (including the Windows Media Audio 9, Windows Media
Audio 9 Professional, Windows Media Audio 9 Voice, and Windows Media Audio 9
Lossless codecs), the following variants are only partially supported:
• Windows Media Audio 9 Professional codec. Multiple channels are combined into a
stereo mix during playback. Depending upon the audio playback capabilities of your
Smartphone, content with an audio sampling rate higher than 48 kilohertz (KHz) might
be played as 48 KHz.
• Windows Media Audio 9 Lossless codec. Depending upon the audio playback
capabilities of your Smartphone, content with an audio sampling rate higher than 48
KHz might be played as 48 KHz.
Video Codecs
• Microsoft Windows Media Video codec versions 7, 8, and 9.
• Microsoft Windows Media Video 9 Image codec versions 1.0 and 2.0.
• Microsoft MPEG-4 codec version 2.0 and 3.0.
• ISO MPEG-4 video codec version 1.0.
Note: Windows Media Player 10 Mobile for Smartphone does not support any version
of the Windows Media Video Screen codec.