Setting Privacy Options
• Stand still. If possible, stand still until your phone
is finished determining your location. Moving
your phone at a walking pace while your phone
is calculating your approximate location may
substantially decrease GPS performance.
• In a car. When using the GPS Enabled feature in
a car, position your phone so that the GPS
antenna has good access to GPS signals
through the car’s windows. Typically, the GPS
antenna has best access to GPS signals in a car
when placed near a window.
Note: Although moving your phone at a walking
pace decreases GPS performance,
moving it at the speed of a moving car
does not.
• Stay in Southern LINC coverage. Southern
LINC’s network will provide your phone with
information that helps determine your location
more quickly and accurately.
Setting Privacy Options
Your phone’s GPS privacy options control whether
Java applications on your phone or other software
applications may view the location of your
phone.You may set your phone to one of these
GPS privacy options.
Note: Privacy options do not apply to the
transmission of location information
during emergency 911 calls.
To set your GPS privacy options:
1 From the main menu, select GPS > Privacy.
2 If your GPS PIN security feature is enabled,
enter your GPS PIN. (See “Setting the GPS PIN
Security Feature” for more information.)
3 Select the privacy option you want:
• Restricted — No Java or similar software
applications may view the location of your
phone. However, location information may still
be available to the phone’s owner, fleet
manager, or account administrator.
• Unrestricted — All applications may view the
location of your phone, without notifying you.
• By Permission — When an application
attempts to view the location of your phone,
you will be prompted to give permission.
However, location information may still be
available to the phone’s owner, fleet manager,
or account administrator.
Setting the GPS PIN Security Feature
To prevent your GPS privacy settings from being
altered without your knowledge, your GPS privacy
option can be protected by a PIN.