Battery Life
Your RSM is shipped with three AA Alkaline bat-
teries and provides approximately 60 hours of
use at a 5/5/90 duty cycle (5% receive / 5% trans-
mit / 90% standby). The longer you receive and/
or transmit above these levels, you will experi-
ence less battery life and will require to change
the batteries more frequently.
Battery Replacement Options
Alkaline, Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd), and Nickel-
Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) rechargeable batteries
can be used safely, however, the RSM was spe-
cifically designed for alkaline batteries and opti-
mal performance is achieved using these.
To increase the usage time between battery
changes it is recommended to use lithium disul-
fide (LiFeS
) Primary (disposable) AA batteries.
Using lithium disulfide disposable batteries can
provide up to 10-20% more usage time between
battery replacement depending upon the environ-
mental conditions.
Secondary (rechargeable) AA batteries can also
be used with your RSM, however, these provide
less usage time between battery replacement
compared to disposable batteries. Using
rechargeable batteries has the advantage of not