Gold Series™ Elite Inbound Event Display
Specifying Message Codes for Monitored Resources
When entering Message Codes, integers (whole numbers), are used. The
Customize Message Code Display Filter dialog has groups of controls,
organized into regions for:
All Monitored Resources
Primary/Non-Primary Resources
, grouped into either All Primary
or All Non-Primary can be specified.
Special Resources
. The "Special Resources" frame and checkbox
provides for monitoring specific Radio Resources in the list as
Message Codes Display Filter Default settings
By default, the Inbound Event Display is set up to display all radio
message codes for all monitored resources.
Operating Filter Dialog Controls
For each of the regions in the Filter interface, buttons and possible
selection choices are active when the checkboxes are checked.
Administrators can choose to have the Inbound Event Display interface
show all or specific Resource Message Codes in the display, by using the
radio buttons "All Message Codes" or "Message Codes*:"
Selecting "Message Codes*:" enables the corresponding text box
where the specific or ranges of codes are then entered. Unchecking
"All Monitored Resources", "All Primary Resources", or "All Non-
Primary Resources” disables the "Message Codes*:” textbox but
does not blank out any entered codes.
Special Resources
Checking "Special Resources" enables the checkbox list called
"Monitored Radio Resources displaying customized Message Codes"
and the radio button options for specifying Message Codes.
Regardless if the list box is enabled or disabled, the individual
resources are listed. Exiting the Message Code Display Filter dialog
while "Special Resources" is unchecked removes specified Message
When multiple Radio Resources are configured to display
the same
Message Codes, the Message Code options are updated and
displayed by the set of selected resources. When multiple Resources