Link Test
The Link Test is a test for measuring the throughput and efficiency of the RF link between two
Canopy modules.
To perform a link test enter a number into the field labeled “
”. The duration is the number
of seconds the RF link will be tested. Start the link test by clicking the “
Start Test
” button. The test
will now run for the set duration. If the web page is not set to automatically refresh, click the
Refresh Display
” button to see the results. For a Canopy System link to be considered acceptable
it is necessary for the efficiencies of the link test to be greater than 90% in both the uplink and
downlink direction. It is recommended that when a new link is installed that a link test be executed
to ensure that the efficiencies are within recommended guidelines.
The key fields are:
Downlink RATE, bits per second
Uplink RATE, bits per second
Downlink Efficiency, percent
Uplink Efficiency, percent