Manuale Uso e Installazione
Operating and Installation Manual
Revisione 02 20092019 Doc.7.3.15
SKA motors electrical installation
After the motor has been installed as described above, complete the wiring and connection to the
power supply.
Refer to the documents provided with the motor for the wiring diagram and check you comply
with the following points:
All metal parts of the motor must be connected to earth
The supply line must be sized so that current will not be supplied at any stage of operation
that is above the maximum current stated in the catalogue or on the label
Power supplies must be sized according to the rated current for the SKA motor as stated
on its label; use suitable cables for the application that comply with current regulations
Fit protection devices against overloads and short circuits, as the motor is not fitted with
such protection
Protect the power supply against possible voltage backfeed to the heads of the motor
should it stop due to inertia
If shielded cables are to be used, refer to the wiring diagram attached for the proper
connections of the insulation / braid.
After completing the above steps for installation, an unloaded test cycle may be carried out by
supplying power to the SKA motor by means of an appropriate electronic drive; calibrate to 15%
of the nominal operating current for the nominal cycle of operation and perform a test cycle. The
moving table must move readily in both directions, respecting the positions set by the axis
If the outcome of the test cycle is successful, gradually increase the current of the driven
application to both the nominal and peak values as envisaged for the cycle of operation.