Manuale Uso e Installazione
Operating and Installation Manual
Revisione 02 20092019 Doc.7.3.15
11 Assembly and commissioning of SKA
SKA linear motors may be placed in any position provided the identification label is visible
and the motor is not directly in the flow of hot air coming from other parts of the machine
and does not sit on top of hot surfaces.
The position chosen for the motor must respect the specifications given for the temperature
and for protection against dust and humidity when the motor was ordered. In case of doubt,
contact the technical department at Motor Power Company with the motor’s reference
code on its label. SKA motors are not suitable for use in environments where there is a
danger of explosion, for underwater applications or for safety equipment.
Caution: you must consider the weight of moving parts if the motor is mounted with
the longitudinal axis of motion not on the horizontal plane. It may be necessary
to compensate for the weight to be lifted using various possible technical solutions or by
oversizing the linear motor itself so that it is able to lift the load.
Always provide a locking system to prevent the load moving due to gravity when the motor
is not powered.
Check these issues carefully before starting work and contact the technical department at
Motor Power Company if necessary.
Electrical safety limit switches should be fitted at both ends of the SKA motor if they are not
already fitted on the machine parts, in a position where they will intervene before the
moving table arrivals at the end of its run.