User Manual
Version 1.0 of 22.04.2021
FANMIG 280-4N Minor
320-4N Minor
Stop your work immediately after finding damage to the power cords. Do not touch
the damaged cords. Prior to repair or maintenance disconnect the device from
power source. Never use the device with damaged power cords.
Keep a fire extinguisher close to the welding location. After finishing welding check
work station against fire hazard.
Never try to fix a damaged gas reducer on your own. In case of malfunction repla
ce the reducer to a fully functional one.
Electromagnetic interference.
The device may influence other devices sensitive to electromagnetic interference
(robots, computers, etc.)
Always ensure that the devices within the welding work station are resistant to
interference. In order to minimize interference it is recommended to use possibly
shortest welding cables arranged in parallel.
Always work in a distance at least 100 m from other sensitive devices. Always
make sure that the installation is grounded.
In case of interference with other devices, shield the cables or use appropriate
The device is compliant with the currently applicable standards. In accordance
with IEC 60974-10 classified as class A and is intended for use in workshop and
industrial conditions. The device application nearby to residential buildings, espe-
cially the power supply using a home electrical network, may interfere with the
operation of other electrical or telecom devices.
The user is responsible for the correct device connection and removal of
potential electromagnetic disturbances.
Commissioning and normal operation are possible only after reading the carefully reading
following manual. MIG/MAG welding requires meeting the requirements for electric arc welding
regulations and complying with fire regulations. Device operator should be equipped with
appropriate personal protective equipment. It is necessary to use a set of compatible protective
with the provisions of the European Parliament and the Directive 2016/425/EEC. Personal
protective equipment includes: welding mask, welding gloves, protective apron, leather shoes,
non-flammable welding clothing.
Despite the high technical standard of the device, the personnel should demonstrate consi-
derable discipline in terms of health and safety requirements that protect against harmful and
health hazardous factors resulting from welding technology.
In order to ensure adequate service life and trouble-free operation:
- do not place or use this device on an inclined surface of more than 15º,
- do not use the device for pipe defrosting,