PRO-67-B V.2.S
< > Place 5/8" end element into exposed end of trap. Place 5/8" end cap on element end tip. (Part 37)
< > Place the YELLOW element on the YELLOW color coded spot on the boom. Tighten down, but remember elements
will need to be checked for alignment along boom.
< > Insert the 1-1/4" BLUE coded element section (Part 33) on each end of the center section of (Part 32) and align the
large holes, KEEPING end element holes for next section pointing down.
< > Ready to use #48 clamping block and 2" U-bolt.
< > Place #48 clamping block under center section of ELEMENT, and place U-bolt through #48 block and element
center section making sure inner element sections are locked into position by U-bolt.
< > Loosely place lock washer, and nuts on U-bolt to keep it from coming out of element.
< > NOTE: Select the correct element code settings, 1. 7/8" inner. 2. 3/8" end tip.
< > Continue inserting next size of tubing color coded BLUE onto the element. Secure with #8 Sheet metal screw.
(Parts 34 through 36c, 22)
< > Place BLUE color coded 12" trap onto element making sure color-coded end is pointing in (toward) the boom.
Secure with #8 Sheet metal screw. Place 7/8" coupling element onto exposed end of trap.
< > Add the remaining BLUE 18" trap (part 36A) to the exposed element with the color code in (toward) the boom. (This
end trap is the longer of the two traps). (Make sure trap drain holes and element screw holes are pointed down to
ground side.)
< > Place 3/8" end caps on the end tip element. (Part 22).
< > Complete opposite side of driven element. Follow the same procedure.