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Command word: the command word in the response frame is the same as that in the command frame,
that is, 0x02.
Status word: 1 byte, 0x13 indicates successful identification matching, 0x07 indicates failed identification
matching. Check word: 1 byte, which is exclusive OR of all previous bytes.
4.3.3 Read configuration parameters
1. Read configuration parameter command frame
Read the configuration parameter command frame, which can be used to obtain the current
configuration parameters of TD5(3)USPCAN. The format of the read parameter command frame is shown in
Table 4.10.
Table 4.10 read configuration parameter command frame format
Frame start
Data length
Data field
Check word
2 byte
1 byte
1 byte
0 byte
1 byte
0xF7, 0xF8
Frame start: 2 bytes, followed by 0xF7 and 0xF8.
Command word: 1 byte. Fixed at 0x03.
Data length: 1 byte, this command frame has no data and is fixed at 0x00.
Data: 0 bytes, no data.
Check word: 1 byte, which is the exclusive OR of all previous bytes, namely 0x0C.
2.Read configuration parameter response frame
After receiving the command frame of reading configuration parameters, TD5(3)USPCAN will acquire its
current configuration parameter information and return it to the main control terminal through the response
frame. The format of the read parameter response frame is shown in Table 4.11.
Table 4.11 read configuration parameter response frame format
Frame start
Data length
Data field
Check word
2 bytes
1 byte
1 byte
60 bytes
1 byte
0xF7, 0xF8
As defined in
Table 4.5.
XOR of all previous