第 42 页 共 60 页
4.1.3 SPI parameters
1. Feedback trigger frame number
This configuration parameter is only valid in SPI to CAN mode. TD5(3)USPCAN, as an SPI slave, can't
actively send data to the host, so when TD5(3)USPCAN receives a certain amount of can frame data, it
needs to inform the master to get the data through the INT pin. The number of feedback trigger frames is
based on the received CAN frames. When the CAN buffer receives a set number of CAN frames, feedback is
2. Feedback trigger time
This configuration parameter is only valid in SPI toCAN mode. TD5(3)USPCAN can't actively send data to
the master because it is the slave of SPI. When the number of CAN frames received by the CAN buffer does
not reach the number of feedback trigger frames, and it is not read within the feedback trigger time, the
master is informed to obtain data through the INT pin.
The feedback triggering time takes 100ms as the unit. When the CAN feedback triggering time reaches
the set value, the feedback is triggered.
4.1.4 CAN parameters
1. Baud rate
Refers to the working baud rate of CAN. The effective baud rate of CAN is shown in table 4.6.
Send frame type
2. Send frame type
This configuration parameter is only valid in transparent conversion and transparent conversion with
identification modes. Refers to the type of CAN frame sent, including two types: standard frame and
extended frame.
3. Send identifier
This configuration parameter is only valid in transparent conversion mode. In transparent conversion
mode, the ID of the frame sent by CAN is subject to the set ID. The frame ids are ID3, ID2, ID1 and ID0 from left
to right. Frame ID3 is the highest byte. If it is a standard frame, its range is 0x000~0x7FF, and the extended
frame range is 0x00000000~1FFFFFFF. If a standard frame with frame ID 0x0123 is sent during transparent
conversion, its sending identifier should be set to 00 00 01 23.
4. Filter enable
Only when this option is selected, the receiving and filtering mode and the corresponding shielding and
acceptance codes will be open. If you don't want to use the filtering function, don't select this item to
receive all CAN frames.