World’s Leading Solar
Inver ters
About MorningStar:
With well over 4 million products sold in over 100 countries since 1993—functioning in some of the most
extreme environments and mission-critical applications in the world—Morningstar Corporation can truly claim
to be “the leading supplier of solar controllers and inverters.” That success is why Morningstar has had staying
power and stable management for over 27 years, along with the lowest employee turnover rate.
Smarter digital design has been pioneered for solar components, for faster, more agile processing on-
board. This allows for the maximum performance from the hardware.
Advanced thermal engineering is used to eliminate cooling fans—the weak link in competitors’
Finally, internal electronics are laid out for performance and longevity instead of economics—designing
for the long-term in order to achieve the industry’s lowest hardware failure rates.
For additional information about Morningstar Corporation, go to:
The specifi cations and descriptions contained in this document are verifi ed to be as accurate as possible at
the time of publication. However, because Morningstar Corporation’s products and their performance are
constantly evolving, Morningstar reserves the right to make product or documentation modifi cations at any
time, with or without notice. Due to the wide range of applications where this product can be used, details may
vary by product version, geography, and site application.
To ensure that you have the most current version of this document, go to:
To communicate any inaccuracies or omissions in this document, please fi ll out a contact form at:
Reference document #: MS-003650. Rev B08
Contact Information:
Morningstar Corporation
8 Pheasant Run
Newtown, Pennsylvania 18940 USA
Service and Support
+1 215.321.4457
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This document and its contents are protected by trade secrets, patent, copyright, and other applicable laws.
All rights are reserved. Unauthorized use is illegal.
SureSine™ is a trademark of Morningstar Corporation
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© 2022 Morningstar Corporation. All rights reserved.