without a RTS, disconnect all power to the SunSaver MPPT
and then reconnect.
High Voltage Transients
Solar, battery, and load power connections are protected
against high voltage transients. In lightning prone areas,
additional external suppression is recommended.
4.6 Inspection and Maintenance
The following inspections and maintenance tasks are
recommended at least two times per year for best controller
Tighten all terminals. Inspect for loose, broken, or
corroded connections.
Verify that all wire clamps and tie-downs are secure.
Check that the controller is mounted in a clean,
protected environment; free of dirt, insects, nests,
and corrosion.
• If applicable, check enclosure ventilation and air flow
holes for obstructions.
Verify LED indication is consistent with the present
system conditions.
Verify that the Remote Temperature Sensor (if
used) is securely attached to the RTS terminals.