Pressing switches [D+F] will also allow you to edit the current bank’s settings. For eg. if you are in Bank 1, just press ‘Bank 1’ to edit your Bank
In the Bank Settings Menu, you have the following options:
[BankName] - Bank Name
Name your bank.
[Copy] - Copy Bank
Copy the entire current bank
[Paste] - Paste Bank
Paste the last copied bank to the current bank. This will overwrite the current bank.
[Swap] - Swap Bank
Swap the current bank with the last copied bank.
[ClrTogl] - Clear Toggles
When enabled, this feature will reset the toggle positions of all other presets within the bank to position 1. This is useful when you want only the
last engaged preset to blink.
[BankPst] - Edit Bank Preset Messages
Edit your Bank Preset messages. Refer to the
Bank Presets
Bank Presets allow you to send up to 16 MIDI messages upon entering or exiting a particular bank. You can program your Bank Presets under
the Edit Bank tab on the Morningstar Device Editor or on your controller itself.
If you select the ‘On Enter’ event for a particular MIDI message, it will be sent when you enter that particular bank. If you select ‘On Exit’, the MIDI
message will be sent when you exit that particular bank.
Some useful applications would be for you to engage a preset the moment you enter a bank, or automatically put your controller into
when you enter a bank for looper control.
Expression Pedals
Connecting an Expression Pedal
Before using an expression pedal, check to make sure that the Exp port you are using is set to accept an expression pedal. You can access this
menu by going to the Press [D+F] > Global Config Menu > ExpInpt > Press switch A or D until you see ‘ExprnPdl’ > Save and Exit.
The MC6 works only with TRS expression pedals. Expression pedals fitted with 10k ohm linear potentiometers give the most accurate and
smoothest response, though 10k - 25k ohm linear potentiometers will work too. The potentiometer wiper should be connected to the Tip of the
stereo cable, while the Ring and Sleeve should be connected to the outer lugs on the potentiometer.
Calibrating your Expression Pedal
When connecting a new Expression pedal, be sure to
it first by going into the Edit menu (Press [D+F] > Select ‘Exp 1 or 2’ > Calibrate).
Follow the instructions shown. First, put your expression pedal into heel down position. Ideally, the value 0 should be displayed. Press ‘Next’.
Then, put your expression pedal into toe down position. Ideally, the value 127 should be displayed. Press ‘Save’ to save your settings. Do not
worry if you are unable get values of 0 and 127 for each position. Once calibration is complete, the MC6 will automatically optimize settings to
suit your expression pedal.
Expression Pedal Sensitivity
Expression pedals not using 10k ohm potentiometers can cause jitters in the expression pedal readings. If you are experiencing this, you can
lower the sensitivity of your expression pedal to eliminate the jitters. Press [D+F] > Exp 1 or 2 > Sens.
for a demo and tutorial on using Bank Presets
for a demo and tutorial on how to use an expression pedal with MIDI.