5.1 Faults and Corrections
The diagnostic flow diagram in Figure 8 on page 15
illustrates the possible GFPD-600V faults.
When a ground-fault error has occurred, push the test
button and then close the breaker to resume normal
operation. Have a qualified technician investigate the
ground-fault cause.
When a wiring error / open breaker alarm has occurred,
correct wiring error and/or close breaker. Push the test
button to resume normal operation.
When the low battery voltage threshold of nine volts is
reached, the buzzer will sound. To resume normal opera-
tion, re-charge or replace the battery powering the
Push the test button to perform a system test. Close
the breaker to resume normal operation.
A critical fault indicates a hardware malfunction. Please
contact Morningstar for instructions.
If previous trouble-shooting does not correct the prob-
lem, re-start the unit by removing in-line source fuse, and