The Interface Solution Experts
Smart HART
Interface and Monitor
The HIM PC Configuration Software can be used to
program all of the HIM’s parameters. Once the default
configuration has been saved, it is safe to program
other parameters. The PC Software is made up of
these sections:
HIM Status and Information Section–
The left
side of the screen includes seven boxes that display
the different settings of the attached HIM.
Program Status–
Displays the activity of the
connected HIM. It will show you if the unit is
Uploading, Downloading, Monitoring or Searching.
HIM Device Info–
Displays the individual charac
teristics of the attached HIM, such as its Identifi-
cation, Hardware and Software Revisions, and the
last date that the device was configured.
HIM Tag–
A phrase used to identify a HIM.
Figure 7.
HIM PC Configuration Software Screen
HIM Device Status–
Displays how the HIM is function-
ing, giving a brief summary of any errors or displaying
OK if it is operating normally.
HIM Displayed Data–
this display mirrors what the at-
tached HIM is displaying.
This bar stays in motion any time the HIM
is monitoring, uploading or downloading.
Communication Status–
monitors the PC Software’s
ability to communicate with the HIM.
HART/Display/ Alarms/Analog Outputs/Custom
Curve/ Scaling Tabs–
These tabs change the right
side of the screen to allow you to set the appropriate
part of the HIM’s configuration. Refer to the associ-
ated pages in this document for additional information
on these tabs.
Menu Bar/Tool Bar–
Dropdown menus and corre-
sponding icons allow you to perform various functions
throughout the PC Configuration Program.
PC Configuration Software