Moore Industries-International, Inc.
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User’s Manual
May 2019
Functional Safety Dual Input Smart HART® Temperature Transmitter
DD Device Setup Reference Guide
The following provides a comprehensive list of configuration menus and options which can
be used as a quick reference guide to identify the different configuration capabilities and
locate them in the menu system. For more information on the specific features please refer
to the Configuration Overview and the specific menu descriptions.
* Is used to identify advanced features which are only accessible by enabling Advanced
Settings in the SETUP menu.
Process Variables
This menu is for information only. It displays PV parameters and values and allows selection
of all Dynamic and Device Variables to display their present values and quality.
Default Config-
Reset to factory default
(see Quick Start Guide for default configuration settings)
Config Wizards-
Configuration Wizards to simplify programming
Basic Wizard
Configures a single sensor or dual identical sensors
Drift Wizard
Set up a Drift Alert between two sensors (
see Section 1 Sensor
Filter –
50Hz or 60Hz input filter to reduce mains induced noise
PV Damping –
introduces a delay in the response to stop input noise from generating
output errors
Configure Sensor:
Input Type
(e.g. T/C TypeK; 4W RTD deg C Pt3850 100ohm etc.)
(engineering units)
Sensor 1 /2 EGU
(engineering units)
Sensor 1 /2 Broken Wire detection
Sensor 1 /2 Hold Off Time
Sensor 1/2 Running Average filter
Sensor 1/2 2 wire offset
(2W RTD/resistance only)
Sensor 1/2 Information
(Limits, span, serial number)
Sensor 1/2 Scaling
*Sensor 1/2 Custom Curve
Ranging & Mapping
Variable Mapping-
assigns the Device Variables (eg. SEN1, BU1-2) to the
HART Variables (PV, SV etc.)
Smart Range –
sets the PV lower range and upper range values to AO 0-100%