input and the previously used input was HDMI 4/USB 4,
the command will swap between input 1 and input 4.
Note that MMB + MMB indicates two separate clicks, not a double-click.
Quadview Mode
When in quadview mode, use the following hotkeys to control the KVM
switch. Note that MMB is short for clicking the Scroll Wheel/Middle
Mouse Button.
MMB + MMB + 1: Switches the keyboard and mouse to the USB
1 input.
MMB + MMB + 2: Switches the keyboard and mouse to the USB
2 input.
MMB + MMB + 3: Switches the keyboard and mouse to the USB
3 input.
MMB + MMB + 4: Switches the keyboard and mouse to the USB
4 input.
MMB + MMB + Backspace: Switches to the last used USB input.
For example, if you are actively using the USB 1 input
and the previously used input was USB 4, the command
will swap between input 1 and input 4.
Note that MMB + MMB indicates two separate clicks, not a double-click.
Swapping Modes
Double-click the Scroll Wheel/Middle Mouse Button to swap between
fullscreen and quadview modes.