To change the date range of the viewable information, click on the date range box at the top
right of the sensor detail panel.
3. Configuring Sensor Settings
To edit a sensors operation settings, click on the sensor overview row to display the
details view. Click on the “Edit” tab to access the sensor configuration panel.
The sensor edit panel allows you to set the primary configurations for the sensor.
Mousing over the question mark icon by each setting will provide an explanation of that
setting. When you have finished making changes, press the “Save” button at the
bottom of this section.
Be sure to click the “Save” button anytime you make a change to any of the sensor parameters.
All changes made to the sensor settings will be downloaded to the sensor on the next sensor
heartbeat (check-in). Once a change has been made and “Saved,” you will not be able to edit that
sensor’s configurations again until the sensor has downloaded the new setting.