Fuse Replacement:
The fuse incorporated into the MK-2 PCB is not intended for
operator replacement. If necessary, consult the factory for
additional technical assistance or for return of the MK-2.
Preventive Maintenance:
The MK-2 design is virtually maintenance free. In typical appli-
cations, once the sensor is properly calibrated, it will operate
without any further attention. In abrasive applications, probe
condition should be periodically observed. Although the
probe's construction is made with high quality engineering plas-
tics, heavy abrasion can wear away the probe's insulators. This
can influence the calibration and eventually lead to sensor fail-
ure. The electronics are housed in a weatherproof enclosure.
In addition the PCBs are conformal coated with a silicone-
based material to further prevent electrical influence by con-
densation. The sensor electronics should periodically be
observed for any signs of contamination caused by improper
enclosure protection (i.e. insure cover is fully engaged, and that
wire entries are properly sealed.)
Cleaning Requirements:
Environmental and hazardous location protection is highly
dependent on the proper installation of the cover to the hous-
ing. A lubricant is applied to the housing/cover threads to
enhance ability to twist-on twist-off cover. Clean and re-lubri-
cate threads if necessary to insure trouble-free operation. Do
not physically alter threads in anyway otherwise environmental
or hazardous location protection could be compromised.
The driven shield feature of the MK-2 is designed to minimize
the need for cleaning the probe portion of the sensor. In appli-
cations where material build-up is so excessive that electronics
can not adequately compensate, probe cleaning may be nec-
essary. If so, wipe the probe with a clean damp cloth from the
housing to the probe tip.
Standard and Food Grade Probe
Cable Extension Probe
Stub Probe