EnDaL curve/vi
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5 . 4 . 2
C l a s s i f i c a t i o n
In the menu “Options
the parameter for the classification can be selected. The
classification (table and graphic) sorts the measured values according to selected parameters (see
5 . 4 . 3
L i m i t V a l u e
The menu “Options
Limit value” activates a filter for the measuring data.
This filter consists of a measured variable and a limit value. The status view
shows the number of all measuring data exceeding the selected limit. The
Limit table (“
Limit table”
) lists all filtered measuring
data exceeding the limit value for the selected acquisition period.
5 . 4 . 4
S p e c t r u m
In the menu Spectrum you can configure parameters for the spectral analyses. Changes will take effect for
diagrams opened after configuration, not for diagrams currently shown. The parameter
affects the
Vibration Response Spectrum (VRS) as well as the Shock Response Spectrum (SRS). A typical value for the
quality is 10.
The bandwidth affects the Power Spectral Density (PSD) and
the VRS. Since the calculation of the SRS uses the results of the
PSD, the SRS also depends on the bandwidth. For further
please refer to the description of the spectrum
analyses (see